Happy New Year

New Years Eve Gluten Free, Happy and Healthy(ish) 

I think 2014 has been my least favourite year to date. It hasn’t been particularly kind to me but I don’t feel like I can complain as it has been unimaginably unkind to others close to me that do not deserve it.
I would describe this year as my milk year. Something’s like wine and my husband get better with age or time while other things like milk just get worse and worse. All I have to say on the matter is I am going dairy free in 2015!!!!

So what is there for a coeliac to do on New Year’s Eve?

The answer is simple, everything that an average person eating a normal gluten containing diet can. You just have to cram a little bit of common sense into your handbag and take your gluten radar with you. A phone call in Advance is always useful.

That being said I opted for the Rock and roll option. A cosy night in with my husband, dog, nice food, nice drink, candle light and conversation. Wow I sound old.


I have to say I am a particularly fussy eater. So when I was first diagnosed with coeliac disease and after the initial excitement of trying all the gluten free substitutes I started to struggle a little bit. My little bit of a struggle soon turned into a very unhealthy relationship with food. When people ask me what it is like going gluten free I describe it as a very nasty break up. You still love foods containing gluten and probably always will but sadly the gluten does not share the same feelings. When you feel down you would normally turn to gluten to cheer you up but it’s not interested, it’s moved on and sometimes when you are at your lowest you bump into gluten in the arms, hands, face of someone else. It’s hard to get over and gluten will always be your first love. Gluten free foods are just the rebound option and we have to accept this and settle. It’s like marrying someone that you just like, it’s ok and you can have a giggle but there is no romance, no naughtiness and no passion. This is a story for another time as the new year means focusing on the positives. The fact that I have actually written ‘nice food’ above shows how far I have come and is in fact one big positive to focus on.

So my New Year’s Eve.

One of my favourite things to do is get outside and walk my dog. No matter how bad I feel I always make time for this, it is impossible to say no when he looks at you with hope in his eyes and a waggy tail. I also usually meet my friend and her adorable pooch. I find any form of exercise helps me, it clears my head, motivates me and because I go with my friend acts as therapy. She listens and agrees when appropriate and tells me to get on with it and stop feeling sorry for myself when I NEED (need and want are very different things) to hear it. I definitely had a lot to vent about after a very busy Christmas with family and friends. Again another story for another time.


So exercise done and head cleared I then popped to the shops with my husband otherwise known as Hunny Bun, an affectionate, cliché nick name which came about when mocking a genuinely affectionate couple. Unfortunately it kind of stuck.

Main course was easy, I already knew I wanted a really nice steak, with thick homemade chips and a blue cheese sauce. Simple but heavenly. I couldn’t find a starter I fancied so wandered around looking for inspiration. I didn’t find any so decided to pop to M&S as I find it a little easier to shop there sometimes. It’s just a case of looking out for that beloved orange symbol.


On my way out I spotted a trifle and that was dessert sorted. Well the idea of dessert anyway. My phone annoyingly never gets a 3G signal in Sainsbury’s so when I get food inspiration I can never google the ingredients I need to make myself a gluten free version. So I did what any other gluten free individual with their heart set on a specific food would do and I guessed.

So that was main course and in theory dessert sorted just a visit to M&S for starters and then doors shut and champagne open.

I didn’t need to be in M&S for long to spot my starter. They make it so easy for Coeliac’s to shop. I just wish that my local m&s store was a little bigger so It had a larger gluten free range. Some people are just never satisfied eh?

Home, doors locked, let the baking commence.

I’m not going to post the whole process or recipe now but wow my trifle was amazing even if I do say so myself.
I googled several different trifle recipes, chose all my favourite bits, substituted gluten products for gluten free versions and added a few little extras for good luck. I wanted to make a trifle, lady fingers and all.

My lovely Gluten Free lady fingers

For the supermen and women out there that literally feel the need and find the time to make every single thing by scratch and judge others that do not, this may not be the blog for you.

Once upon a time I was near to perfect, I strived to be the best at everything. Oh how things change.
Fast forward to post coeliac diagnosis and I now realise I am far from superwoman, I break easily, stress is the enemy and all I would like is a simple, happy and healthy life. So I bought ready made custard. Does this make me a bad person?


So here it is my perfect start to hopefully a better than sour milk new year.

M&S tandoori prawns – yummy and no stress or washing up.


Medium to rare steak with blue cheese sauce and homemade roasted chips.


And finally for dessert the trifle of all trifles. Complete with Gluten Free Lady Fingers.

I think my trifle says it best but I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy new year.







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