Gluten free spicy chicken and prawn pasta recipe

gluten free, pasta, spicy

If you are looking for a tasty, easy and healthy gluten free recipe then this is the recipe for you.
It is so tasty that none of your friends will even notice it’s gluten free.

Chicken breast
One Red Onion
Gluten free vegetable stock cube
One tin chopped tomatoes (I used Heinz gluten free pasata)
Mixed herbs – 2-3 teaspoons
Mixed spice – 1/2 teaspoon
One Chilli or to taste  (I used Lazy Chilli)
Gluten free pasta
White wine

– Set the pasta cooking while you get on with the other stages. Once cooked drain well and set to one side until you are ready for it.

– Chop and slowly fry the onion until browned


– Dice the chicken and add to the onions, cook until browned.


– Sprinkle the stock cube, herbs, spices and chilli into the pan and continue to cook for another minute or so.

– Add the prawns and cook for another couple of minutes.


– Add the chopped tomatoes, stir well and simmer for another 5-10 minutes or until prawns and chicken are cooked.


– Add a generous glugg of white wine and you are done.
– pop your cooked pasta in a bowl and spoon over the chicken and prawn mixture.


I had grilled asparagus with mine with a dash of lemon.




Gluten Free Trifle Recipe

gluten-free, gluten free, coeliac, sponge, baking

Great things come from Experimenting.

When it comes to food I am not a planner. I can not decide what I will fancy for dinner when I am about to have my breakfast. I take things one a meal at time and look for inspiration in my cupboards, fridge or supermarket as and when I am hungry.
I don’t think this is the healthiest way to be but considering my up’s and down’s with food over the last few months it works for me so I’m sticking with it.

On new years eve whilst in my local supermarket I spotted a rather tasty looking trifle and decided that was the dessert for me. I can never get a phone signal in Sainsbury’s so after establishing there was no gluten free alternative I had to guess what ingredients I already had at home and what Ingredients I might need.

This is just a few of things I pulled out of the cupboard to experiment with.

ingredients, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac,

You don’t need fancy equipment to be able to bake but it can make life in the kitchen a little easier. I use it when I have it and adapt when I don’t.
If you have a piping bag great but if not then you can make one using grease-proof paper. check this out:

So I pulled out what I fancied using, looked at a couple of different recipes to make sure I was on the right track and then gave it a bash. I think cooking and baking is more about instincts than anything else so just give it ago and if it goes wrong no one will know.

For the lady fingers:
– 100g Doves Farm white (Gluten Free) self rasing flour
– 125g caster sugar
– 1/2 tea spoon Gluten Free Baking Powder
– Teaspoon maple syrup
– 3 pinches Xanthan gum
– 2 pinches of salt
– 4 eggs

For the Trifle:
– 1 tin fruit or fresh fruit to your taste (I went with a tin of raspberries but would have preferred fresh)
– Sherry, Port, Wine or any other alcohol to taste. If you want an alcohol free version try a fruit juice.
– Jam, I went with a black Cherry jam
– 1 Packet of Jelly
– 1 tub custard
– 1 tub Double cream for whipping
– Chocolate to decorate (optional)

The Making of the tasty Lady Fingers:

1 – First rule of baking, Be prepared. Get your piping bag or hand-made alternative at the ready. Preheat your oven to 190c and Line your baking trays with grease-proof paper.

2 – Sieve and Mix your Xanthan gum, baking powder and flour in a bowl and pop to one side until needed.

3- Separate your egg yolks and whites.

4 – Whisk the yolks with half the sugar and the maple syrup until the mixture turns pale.

Egg, yoke, whites, egg whites, whisked, cooking, baking, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac
Whisked Yokes and Beaten whites

5 – Beat the egg whites until they form soft-stiff peaks slowly adding the salt and other half of the sugar as you beat.
One of the recipes I was semi referencing said to beat until soft peaks but I got a little carried away and went all out to stiff peaks. I would make the same mistake again though as they turned out beautiful so your choice. If you go with stiff you can always take the upside down test.

Eggs, Beaten, Stiff peaks, Baking, gluten free,
Stiff Peaks

6 – Gently fold the beaten whites into the whisked yolks.

7 – Again gently does it, fold the flour mixture into the combined egg mixture. Be careful not to mix or all the air you put in beating the eggs will escape and your lady fingers wont be light.

Now it get’s fun and in my case messy.

Messy, Kitchen, Baking, Gluten free, Gluten-free, coeliac
Making a mess

8 – Fill your pastry bag or home-made version with the mixture and pipe onto your prepared tray’s. They will spread out when cooking so aim to keep them around 4cm apart. cook for between 6 – 15 minutes depending on the size. When they are golden and spongy to touch take them out and let them cool.

Baking, sponge, lady fingers, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac, piping
Ready to go in the oven
Golden, Spongy, Gluten-free, Gluten free, Lady Fingers, Sponge, Coeliac, baking,
Golden and Spongy
Gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac, sponge, baking
Perfect fingers

I experimented with various different shapes and sizes and didn’t really find it made that much difference taste wise. The smaller one’s (5cm long) cooked quicker and didn’t need cutting in half so I would probably go smaller when I make this again.
Warning! There is a chance that your fingers may look more like torso’s when you get them out. If your fingers all spread out into each other you will have one flat sponge. don’t worry though you can still use it, just chop it up and no one will know.

So you have your lady finger’s ready and I am sure you have tested several just to make sure they are ok. So the next step is to put the trifle together. I think a lot of this next step is down to personal preference so feel free to play around with quantities. I love Sherry trifle’s but didn’t have any at hand so used port instead.

9 – If you made thick lady finger’s slice them in half, length ways. If they are small and flat on one side then they should work as they are. Start sandwiching together your lady finger’s using the jam. And lay each pair in the bottom of a bowl. Keep going until the bottom is covered and fill in any gaps by breaking up the fingers and pushing them in.

trifle, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac, baking
Base layer of trifle

10 – My favourite bit. Using your chosen alcohol pour a decent amount over your sponges. It is up to you how strong you like it. I usually put a decent glugg in and swoosh the bowl around so it covers all my sponges. It will soak in so a little puddle at the bottom of the bowl is about right but I wouldn’t advise making your fingers swim. Leave for around 30 mins.

11 – Next layer your chosen fruit on top of the sponges.

12 – Make up your Jelly using the directions provided on your packet. Pour the jelly over the sponge and fruit and let it cool. Once cool pop in the fridge until set.

Jelly, trifle, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac, baking, recipe
Jelly Layer

13 – Once your jelly is set add a layer of custard on top and pop back in the fridge to chill.

Custard, trifle, gluten free, gluten-free, coeliac, baking, recipe
Custard Layer

14 – Next up is the cream. I made the mistake in a brain fog like daze of picking up what I thought was double cream for whipping but what was in actual fact double pouring cream. Completely different apparently. I poured my cream on top of the custard and lightly spread it out. If you have bought normal double cream then good for you. Whisk it until thick and spoon or pipe onto your custard.

And you are done. Feel free to decorate as you see fit. Fruit or chocolate works well.

Trifle, cream, glutenfree, gluten free, coeliac
Finished trifle

Please let me know what you think.

Happy New Year

New Years Eve Gluten Free, Happy and Healthy(ish) 

I think 2014 has been my least favourite year to date. It hasn’t been particularly kind to me but I don’t feel like I can complain as it has been unimaginably unkind to others close to me that do not deserve it.
I would describe this year as my milk year. Something’s like wine and my husband get better with age or time while other things like milk just get worse and worse. All I have to say on the matter is I am going dairy free in 2015!!!!

So what is there for a coeliac to do on New Year’s Eve?

The answer is simple, everything that an average person eating a normal gluten containing diet can. You just have to cram a little bit of common sense into your handbag and take your gluten radar with you. A phone call in Advance is always useful.

That being said I opted for the Rock and roll option. A cosy night in with my husband, dog, nice food, nice drink, candle light and conversation. Wow I sound old.


I have to say I am a particularly fussy eater. So when I was first diagnosed with coeliac disease and after the initial excitement of trying all the gluten free substitutes I started to struggle a little bit. My little bit of a struggle soon turned into a very unhealthy relationship with food. When people ask me what it is like going gluten free I describe it as a very nasty break up. You still love foods containing gluten and probably always will but sadly the gluten does not share the same feelings. When you feel down you would normally turn to gluten to cheer you up but it’s not interested, it’s moved on and sometimes when you are at your lowest you bump into gluten in the arms, hands, face of someone else. It’s hard to get over and gluten will always be your first love. Gluten free foods are just the rebound option and we have to accept this and settle. It’s like marrying someone that you just like, it’s ok and you can have a giggle but there is no romance, no naughtiness and no passion. This is a story for another time as the new year means focusing on the positives. The fact that I have actually written ‘nice food’ above shows how far I have come and is in fact one big positive to focus on.

So my New Year’s Eve.

One of my favourite things to do is get outside and walk my dog. No matter how bad I feel I always make time for this, it is impossible to say no when he looks at you with hope in his eyes and a waggy tail. I also usually meet my friend and her adorable pooch. I find any form of exercise helps me, it clears my head, motivates me and because I go with my friend acts as therapy. She listens and agrees when appropriate and tells me to get on with it and stop feeling sorry for myself when I NEED (need and want are very different things) to hear it. I definitely had a lot to vent about after a very busy Christmas with family and friends. Again another story for another time.


So exercise done and head cleared I then popped to the shops with my husband otherwise known as Hunny Bun, an affectionate, cliché nick name which came about when mocking a genuinely affectionate couple. Unfortunately it kind of stuck.

Main course was easy, I already knew I wanted a really nice steak, with thick homemade chips and a blue cheese sauce. Simple but heavenly. I couldn’t find a starter I fancied so wandered around looking for inspiration. I didn’t find any so decided to pop to M&S as I find it a little easier to shop there sometimes. It’s just a case of looking out for that beloved orange symbol.


On my way out I spotted a trifle and that was dessert sorted. Well the idea of dessert anyway. My phone annoyingly never gets a 3G signal in Sainsbury’s so when I get food inspiration I can never google the ingredients I need to make myself a gluten free version. So I did what any other gluten free individual with their heart set on a specific food would do and I guessed.

So that was main course and in theory dessert sorted just a visit to M&S for starters and then doors shut and champagne open.

I didn’t need to be in M&S for long to spot my starter. They make it so easy for Coeliac’s to shop. I just wish that my local m&s store was a little bigger so It had a larger gluten free range. Some people are just never satisfied eh?

Home, doors locked, let the baking commence.

I’m not going to post the whole process or recipe now but wow my trifle was amazing even if I do say so myself.
I googled several different trifle recipes, chose all my favourite bits, substituted gluten products for gluten free versions and added a few little extras for good luck. I wanted to make a trifle, lady fingers and all.

My lovely Gluten Free lady fingers

For the supermen and women out there that literally feel the need and find the time to make every single thing by scratch and judge others that do not, this may not be the blog for you.

Once upon a time I was near to perfect, I strived to be the best at everything. Oh how things change.
Fast forward to post coeliac diagnosis and I now realise I am far from superwoman, I break easily, stress is the enemy and all I would like is a simple, happy and healthy life. So I bought ready made custard. Does this make me a bad person?


So here it is my perfect start to hopefully a better than sour milk new year.

M&S tandoori prawns – yummy and no stress or washing up.


Medium to rare steak with blue cheese sauce and homemade roasted chips.


And finally for dessert the trifle of all trifles. Complete with Gluten Free Lady Fingers.

I think my trifle says it best but I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy new year.







Gluten Free Friendly Hotel in Barcelona

I Visited Barcelona In September with my best friend. I have Coeliac disease and she is Gluten intolerant so we make great guests where ever we go. I am always a little nervous staying away from home but I would never let a little thing like gluten get in the way of me having fun.

Helen and Jo in Barcelona.
Helen and Jo in Barcelona.

We booked to stay two nights in the Renaissance Fira hotel and other than a quick glance on trip adviser I didn’t really do as much homework into the gluten free options as I normally would so was obviously a little nervous. The hotel was stunning, in a great location and so easy to get to from the airport. We arrived at an odd time in the afternoon so decided to eat in the hotel and then go out and explore. We asked the waiter about a gluten free menu and for a second he looked a little puzzled. I was already gearing myself up for a tough few days and was expecting to have to visit the local supermarket for some fruit or cooked meat. To my surprise he opened up the normal menu and started telling me all the options I could eat. Obviously mostly the meats and sea food from the grill but he sounded like he knew what he was talking about so I was more than excited. We both chose some goats cheese to share for our starter and then steak for main. I don’t know if it is just me but I find I get a little too excited when I see anything gluten free. With this in mind imagine my reaction when the waiter comes back to our table with bread, freshly cooked, warm, gluten free and in its own brown paper sealed wrapping. Talk about happy bunnies.

Gluten free fresh bread
Gluten free fresh bread

I have to say my bread was a little well done as you can see in the photo but my friends was perfect and I wasn’t about to complain as it is the thought that counts. The steak was mouth watering and was so juicy it didn’t need any sauce.

Yummy Steak
Yummy Steak

A great start to our trip which just kept getting better. Refueled we headed out to explore our surroundings. After a few minutes walking and chatting we looked up and as if by magic found ourselves at the local shopping center surrounded by clothes and shoe shops. Once upon a time Clothes and shoes would have been my priority but call it my age or condition this is now not true and we both headed straight to the supermarket to check out what local gluten free choices it had in store for us. I was definitely a lot more impressed than my local Supermarkets which include Tesco and Sainsbury’s.

Gluten free Section
Gluten free Section

All the shelf’s in the photo are gluten free options and directly opposite is a gluten free fridge section.

Prosecco, chocolate and Strawberries.
Prosecco, chocolate and Strawberries.

Calories don’t count on holiday so we may have purchased a few sweet treats and a couple of bottles of bubbly to help us get ready for a night out. We ended up at a club which happened to be holding a fashion event. Unfortunately when we got there it was a finger food type buffet so I couldn’t risk eating anything. My friend braved a little bit of Sushi. I couldn’t stay sad for long though and the free champagne and open bar made up for the lack of food.

Jo and Me on our night out.
Jo and Me on our night out.

We made it back to the hotel around 3am, an early night for Barcelona. We didn’t even consider a takeaway. I used to always eat after a night out but it’s too risky now so I usually just cook a pizza or order an Indian before I go out so it’s ready when I get in.

We got up ready for breakfast after our late night and my stomach flipped a little when we got into the restaurant and realised it was a buffet breakfast. The choice was amazing and not really a problem for Jo as cross contamination isn’t as much of an issue for her. I picked up a couple of pots of Yogurt and some honey and was quite happy with my choice accompanied by a pot of tea. When I got up to get some milk I spotted a station in the corner which I had missed before so toddled over to investigate. A lady was running an egg station, and had all the ingredients in front of her to make an omelette of your choice. Looking at the ingredients it all looked gluten free so i asked her about them. Straight away she understood my concerns and assured me that nothing but eggs and the ingredients in front of her had been in the pan she was using all of which where gluten free. Result, an omelette for breakfast.

Breakfast at the Hotel
Breakfast at the Hotel

As we got up to leave one of the female waiting staff came rushing over with a tray carrying a couple of muffins and popped them down in front of us. I explained I couldn’t eat them and to my surprise she said they were gluten free and even made us take them off the tray as she didn’t want to cross contaminate them.  We were both just amazed and quite moved by the thought from this hotel. It might only be a bit of bread and a muffin to some people but to a coeliac it is a huge, massive deal and the difference between a good trip and an amazing trip. The following morning the muffins got brought to our table again.

Gluten Free Muffins
Gluten Free Muffins

On the last day we were both determined to find a nice authentic restaurant for some paella and Sangria. On our way back to the hotel to collect our bags before heading to the airport we spotted a nice looking restaurant from our bus. We jumped off without a second thought and headed in. The restaurant was really charming and looked really authentic. Our waitress came over and although she spoke quite good English and my Friend speaks quite good Spanish she didn’t understand what we meant when we were asking about gluten in Paella. She fetched some one else who said we couldn’t have it as the rice naturally has gluten in????? I obviously know this isn’t the case or my life would be over as rice is my go to food. A bit disappointed I decided to look through the rest of the menu and pick something else as I didn’t want to take the risk. A different lady then came over and very confidently explained there was no gluten in the Paella and she had asked the chef about the sauce and it was ok. I was still a little reluctant due to cross contamination but I had to eat somewhere and even choosing a different option off the menu would have been as much of a risk so I threw caution to the wind and ordered our Paella. It was a bit rushed as we were cutting it very fine to make our flight but worth every second as it was delicious.

Me and my Paella
Me and my Paella

So to sum up Barcelona, Amazing place which everyone should visit. The supermarkets are really geared up for the gluten free market. I struggled a bit in some of the restaurants but it just depends on where you try. The hotel made all the difference and I would recommend this to everyone Coeliac or otherwise. Just get out there, have fun and don’t be scared to ask questions.

An Inspirational Burger

After a tough few days I decided to cheer my self up by cooking the ultimate dinner. I went to the shops without a plan and after a long time searching the shelf’s for what I fancied and more importantly what I was allowed I came across some M&S Aberdeen Angus, pepper crusted Burgers with that oh so lovely orange gluten free label on the front.  This automatically conjured up images of fluffy white bread rolls so I toddled off to the gluten free section to try my luck. When I got there the shelf was bare so I decided I would settle with the Gluten Free genius bread I already had at home. I picked up some Blue Cheese and then headed off to see what if any relishes I would be able to eat. On my return home I was rather hungry to say the least but decided to take my time and make this the best burger I had ever had.

I grilled the burgers on my George Forman, toasted my white genius bread in the hope it would hold its form with the burger filling, sliced and grilled some red onion, crumbled the blue cheese between the burgers and onions so it melted and went all gooey, stacked it all together and finished it off with some Cipotle and chilli relish. Divine would be an understatement, better than most restaurant burgers and in a different league to McDonald burgers, even if I do say so myself. As sat down eating this little wonder it got me thinking about how much i was appreciating it.   Yes it took me a long time and a lot of disappointment in the supermarket sourcing the ingredients, Yes the bread and burgers cost a small fortune and yes I had to be extra careful when I was preparing it to reduce the risk of cross contamination but had I just walked into the supermarket and been able to pick up the first thing I fancied I am sure it would not have tasted even half as good as this amazing little burger.

I instantly regretted not taking a picture as this burger was the first thing I have genuinely enjoyed in a long time and I know that if I could eat anything I wanted I would have not chosen this and my special burger would not have been born. For the first time in a long time I am looking forward to my gluten free journey and the possibilities to discover new foods and ingredients that I would not normally be open to trying.

2015 is going to be a good year and I wanted to share all my up’s, downs, recipes and reviews with you along the way.